The Future of Skin Health is Here.

  • What Is LED Light Therapy?

    So what is light emitting diode (LED) therapy? Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration.

    The absorbed energy is then used to improve cellular performance. Light therapy can be delivered through light emitting diode (LEDs) devices or cold LASERs, and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. This clinically validated technique is gaining greater and greater acceptance in main stream medicine by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons as a non-invasive therapeutic modality for the treatment and healing of skin and wound conditions and by pain professionals for pain relief.

  • Our Devices

    Celluma light therapy mimics a natural photobiochemical reaction process to deliver safe, UV-free low-level light energy through FDA cleared, high-intensity LED devices. Celluma machines are FDA-cleared to treat a variety of skin and pain conditions to regain and maintain your body and skin’s natural vitality without the concern of dangerous side effects often associated with modern pharmaceuticals.

    Patented, pulsed-wave technology controlled by proprietary software algorithms add to the applicability of Celluma light emitting diode therapy. With the exception of the Celluma CLEAR (emits blue and red only) for treating acne, all Celluma devices are polychromatic and deliver blue (465nm), red (640nm) and infrared (880nm) light energy simultaneously to safely treat skin, pain and hair loss easily. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes.

  • How to Use LED Light Therapy

    When it comes to using LED light therapy, whether it’s blue light therapy for acne, red light therapy for wrinkles and anti-aging issues, or near-infrared light therapy for pain, it’s best to develop an appropriate and doable routine. It’s a bit like going to the gym, if you join but don’t go, then you will not experience any of the many benefits of a gym membership.

    Just like working out and exercising, the benefits of LED light therapy are cumulative. So, for best results expect to come in for a session at least two to three times a week, and even more if you wish. Use Celluma for up to 30 minutes per area for faster, better and longer lasting results. However, if you are on any medications or have any conditions that prohibits the use of light therapy then be sure to check with your primary physician prior to use.

Anti-aging LED Light Therapy

Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging and increasing longevity. We do this because we all want to get the most joy and fulfillment from our finite time on earth. We want more quality time with our spouse and children, more belly laughs with our friends, more time to travel, and more time to leave our mark on the world. We would all like to achieve this without aging, and with less pain or disease.

While we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, there are steps we can take now to improve and maintain our best appearance, slow down the signs of aging, and give ourselves a bit more longevity.

Fibroblast cells are responsible for producing collagen and elastin, the two most common proteins in connective tissue. However, as we age, our fibroblast cells become compromised resulting in lower levels of these proteins. We might start noticing decreased elasticity in our skin, wrinkles, and our joints may not move as freely as they used to. This is because lower levels of collagen lead to breakdowns in cartilage which can cause inflammation, soreness, stiffness, arthritis, and prolonged recovery time after physical activity.

Proven by research, the red and near-infrared wavelengths utilized in the Celluma SERIES of LED light therapy devices combat the signs of aging. These specific wavelengths of light energy are clinically verified to enhance your body's natural ability to generate collagen and elastin by activating the fibroblast cells.

Blue LED Light Therapy Acne Treatment

LED light therapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, deep beneath the skin’s surface. Blue LED light, especially in combination with red light therapy, emits specific, clinically-proven wavelengths of light to trigger an all-natural effect in human tissue, killing acne-causing bacteria, decreasing inflammation, and improving skin tone, texture, and clarity from the inside out.